
High-end coasting vehicles for stuff like this:

Imagine showing up to races like the ones above with a $30K masterpiece vehicle that could only coast. It would have superb handling and craftsmanship. Even so, it would be stupendously impractical due to the abuse these craft endure on courses like these. I don’t know how one would survive a single run.

Logo: It’s a stylized croquet set — notice the wicket, balls, and mallet.

Tagline: Synergy of command

You’d need a weird slogan for a brand like this, sounding like a mis-translation of sorts. In this case it refers to the relationship between the driver and vehicle as being somewhat ambiguous or “synergistic.” The ad would say something like: Do you command it, or does it command you? This is a weird question for a high-dollar machine on dangerous gravity-based racing. Usually, sports cars are designed and marketed around being extremely responsive. The marketing here makes that somewhat ambiguous — and for intriguingly unclear reasons.

Models: Isolje, Jiole, Sarpesa / Sarpedol

Fictional sponsors: Imagine a Lafra go-kart (or whatever they are) with fictional sponsors of its own.

Parsh & Hightrouser

A private military contractor that we whimsically propose had hired Roland the (headless) Thompson Gunner.

Possibly part of a tactical response team to take down Michael Myers (”Halloween”). “Ask about our PSM program” (paranormal situation management). We offer imaginatively kinetic response during your most dire emergencies.

“FSR” = full spectrum response


A men’s clothing line for Kohl’s or Target. Everyday, ordinary stuff I think. This is a bit confusing as it seems to imply a clothing line within our “clothing line.”

Logo would be stylized image of woman’s face rolling her eyes in annoyance at an unseen man.

This album cover is partly the inspiration for this. The image I’d work from is the woman’s face in lower right. But the logo I imagine is simpler than this even so, and would communicate flippant exasperation.


Some kind of mining company.

Logo is a green moose or elk with a big set of antlers. The antlers splay out and fade into the ether.


Some kind of plumbing fittings and piping supplier, perhaps. Also makes specialty valves for a wide range of applications.

Logo is a stylized man with oversized cylindrical head riding a small go-kart. You see him from the side, and he’s gritting his teeth angrily or something. He’s racing. Think Beatle’s “Yellow Submarine” bad-guys.

Various designs for this would have this same cylinder-head-man in different sizes facing left and right at random at various 3D distances.

“ask about our stochastic nevermore!”